3. Extend the LATCH/UAS strap.
For easier installation, extend the
LATCH/UAS strap to its maximum
length by pressing the grey
button and pulling on the strap.
4. Place car seat rear-facing in
back seat of the vehicle with
detachable rear-facing
base installed. Center
the car seat between
the vehicle LATCH/UAS
anchors. The seat bottom
and feet of the rear-facing base
should sit flat on the vehicle seat
with no overhang.
5. Slide the LATCH/UAS strap
through the rear-facing belt
path and out the other side.
The LATCH/UAS strap should lie
flat and not be twisted. The red
release loops on the connectors
should be facing up and
tightening mechanism should
be on the child's left side of seat.