A t t en t i on !
The voltage of the generator fluctuates; this may cause
damage to the following devices:
• Television sets, audio-video devices,
• products or devices with electronic control
S af et y i n f or mat i on
Read this manual carefully – familiarise yourself with
this device. Observe the instructions for use, restric-
tions and possible dangers that apply to this device.
• Only set up the device on a firm surface.
• The load must not exceed the power specified on
the type plate of the generator. Overloading causes
damage to the device or shortens the service life.
• The engine may not be operated at an excessive
speed. Operating the engine at an excessive speed
increases the danger of injury. Parts that influence
the standard speed must not be changed.
• Devices with faulty or missing parts or without a
protective housing or cover may not be operated.
Information about spare parts can be obtained from
your customer service.
• Do not operate or store the device in a wet or damp
environment or on highly conductive surfaces such
as metal coating or steel structures. When oper-
ating the device under conditions such as those
mentioned above, always wear rubber gloves and
boots as well as an earth circuit breaker.
• Keep the generator clean and free of oil, dirt and
other foreign bodies.
• Ensure that extension cables, power cables and
all electrical components are in perfect condition.
Never operate electrical devices with damaged or
defective cables.
• To prevent burns, do not touch the exhaust pipe
and other engine and generator parts that heat up
during operation.
• Do not connect the device to household sockets.
• Do not connect to other power sources.
Do not operate the generator under the following con-
• When changing the engine speed
• When decreasing the electrical power
• When misfiring occurs
• In the event of spark formation
• In the event of excessive vibration
• When flames or smoke occur
• In enclosed spaces
• When raining or in rough weather
• In enclosed room sections
• When raining or in rough weather
• In the event of overheating in connected devices
• In the event of damage to the sockets
Check the fuel system regularly for leaks and signs of
wear such as rubbed or porous lines, loose or missing
clamps and damage to the tank or tank cover. All faults
must be remedied before operation.
The generator may only be operated, maintained and
refilled under the following conditions:
• Sufficient ventilation. Avoid environments in which
steam can accumulate, e.g. trenches, cellars, ex-
cavations and bilges. Observe air flow and temper-
ature. An ambient temperature of 40°C should not
be exceeded.
• In enclosed spaces, discharge hazardous exhaust
gases via pipes. The engine exhaust gases contain
carbon monoxide, a toxic, odourless and colourless
gas that causes serious damage to health or death
when inhaled.
• Only refuel the generator when there is sufficient
illumination. Avoid spilling fuel. Never refuel the
generator during operation. Allow the engine to cool
for approx. two minutes before refuelling.
• Do not carry out fuelling in the vicinity of open
flames, control lamps or spark forming electrical
devices such as electrical tools, welding machines
and grinding machines.
• Check the silencers and air filters for perfect con-
dition. These parts are used as flame protection in
the event of backfires.
• Do not smoke near the generators. Do not wear
loose clothing, jewellery or similar objects which
can get caught by the starter or other rotating parts.
T he g en er at or has b een
s t a t e - o f - t he - a r t
saf et y
r u l es. H owev er , i n d i v i d u al r esi d u al r i sk s
ca n a r i se d u r i n g ope r a t i o n .
Furthermore, despite all precautions having been met,
some non-obvious residual risks may still remain.
• Residual risks can be minimised if the "Safety in-
structions" and the "Proper use" are observed along
with the whole of the operating instructions.
D a n g e r s a n d p r o t ec t i v e meas u r es
E x hau st g ases:
Inhaling of exhaust gases
Only use the device outdoors
b u i l t accor d i n g
a n d
t he r eco g n i se d
t o t he
t ech n i ca l
GB | 23