Quick reference
Wheels motor fault!
Wheel motor is blocked in
Press START to
some way.
This could have happened
when Landroid Vision came
Upside down! Press
into contact with a sloping
START to reset.
surface which made it over-
Mower trapped!
Press START to
Landroid Vision is trapped.
Mower lifted! Press
Landroid Vision has been
START to reset.
lifted up.
Battery voltage too
Battery exausted, and needs
low! Please change
to be recharged.
Temperature is too high (more
Battery temperature
than 131
out of range!
(less than 37
Please wait.
Can't find charge
Machine doesn't have
station! Press START
enough power to go back to
to reset.
charging base.
With the "Lock Function"
enabled, if your Landroid
Vision does not receive a
signal from your Wi-Fi router
for 3 days, then it gets locked
Mower locked!
as a security measure.
This could be because
your router lost its power
or because you changed
your Wi-Fi router or network
RFID is not installed correctly.
RFID not found!
RFID signal is weak.
Camera covered by dirty
Camera fault!
Turn power off and take Landroid Vision to an area free from obstacles.
Turn power on. Press start.
If the error message is still displayed, turn power off. Turn Landroid
Vision upside-down and check if there's anything preventing the wheels
from rotating.
Remove any obstruction, turn Landroid Vision upright, turn power on.
Turn Landroid Vision upright and remove any obstacle that might have
caused Landroid Vision to overturn.
Turn power off.
Take Landroid Vision to an area of your lawn free of obstacles, then turn
power on. Press start.
If the error message is still displayed: turn power off, turn Landroid Vision
upside-down. Check if there is anything preventing the wheels from
Remove any obstruction, turn the Landroid Vision upright, turn power
Turn power off.
Take Landroid Vision to an area clear of obstacles, turn power on. Press
If the error message is still displayed: turn power off, turn Landroid Vision
upside-down and check there's anything that can cause Landroid Vision
to be lifted up.
Remove any possible object, turn Landroid Vision upright, turn power
In this case you must turn Landroid Vision off and place it in the charging
base, then 'Emergency charging' will be displayed and it will start
charging. If the battery error still persist, your battery is damaged and
need to be changed.
C) or too low
Place the charging base in a shady area or wait until it reaches the nor-
C) when
mal temperature.
Take Landroid Vision to the charging base.
Please reconnect Landroid Vision to the Wi-Fi networtk it has been origi-
nally paired with. If this is not possible, contact Cutomer Service.
Check if RFID is correctly installed.
Install the RFID with same number beside the original one.
Clean the camera.