content depending on pH value and CH
The auto-pH curve shows the levels for sets u403, m603 and m1003 which the pH computer
automatically maintains when the "auto pH" option is activated. We recommend that this option is
activated for the safety of your fish.
13.2 The correct amount of CO
JBL recommends a CO
marked with "CO
correct " in the table above. 20 – 25 mg/l have proved to be ideal. This level is
not harmful to fish whilst at the same time promoting luxuriant plant growth.
Measure the CH of your aquarium water with the enclosed JBL CH Test Set.
In the section "CO
Gradually adjust the CO
Please ensure that only those pH values are set which do not harm fish. This is the section of the
table labelled "CO
13.3 Setting the CO
The amount of CO
such as water movement, consumption by plants etc. and has to be calculated individually for
each particular aquarium.
Begin with about 15 bubbles per minute in the JBL CO
water (this corresponds to about 10 bubbles per minute using a bubble counter).
After one day check whether the optimum pH value set has been attained in the aquarium.
Should this not be the case, increase the CO
vario Reactor (about 14 - 16 bubbles in a bubble counter). If necessary, increase the
supply in further small stages until the required pH level is reached.
Check that the pH level is maintained, giving the right CO
In the case of the u403, m603 and m1003 sets the pH computer automatically maintains the
pH level required.
14 Note on the pressure indicated on the pressure regulator
The CO
gas in the CO
ambient temperature. At room temperature (approx. 20°C) the left-hand pressure gauge shows
a pressure of about 50 bar. This increases if the room temperature rises. At 30 °C the gauge
therefore indicates about 70 bar. The pressure in the cylinder does not indicate the amount of gas
it contains. It remains constant in line with the surrounding temperature until shortly before the
cylinder is empty. The amount of CO
weight (tare) of the cylinder is stamped on the cylinder. The total weight minus the tare weight
gives the amount of CO
The pressure in the storage cylinder is adjusted downwards by the pressure regulator to an easily
manageable pressure, known as the "operating pressure". The right-hand gauge indicates the
operating pressure. In the JBL u001 and m001 pressure regulator fittings it is pre-set at about
1.5 bar. This is the optimum pressure for the CO
the operating pressure can be adjusted using the setting screw. When the operating pressure is
adjusted it is important that CO
would prevent adjustment of the pressure.
15 Changing cylinders
If the cylinder pressure (left-hand gauge) falls below 30 bar, the cylinder will need to be refilled
(refillable cylinders) or changed (disposable cylinders) in the next 2 – 3 days.
content of between 15 and 30 mg/l in aquarium water. This range is
correct" look for the pH value which is correct for the CH and the desired
bubble count so that this pH level is attained.
which has to be added for the desired pH value depends on various factors
storage cylinders is under high pressure. This pressure depends on the
in a cylinder can only be estimated by weighing. The empty
is released i.e. the adjustment screw should not be closed as this
and the correct pH value
supply to about 20 – 25 bubbles in the JBL
fertilization of aquariums. If required, however,
vario Reactor per 100 l aquarium
level on the CO
permanent test