To the extent permitted by law, further warranty claims are ruled out. In particular, no
liability can be accepted for consequential damage caused by this appliance. In the event
of claims under the warranty, please contact your specialist retailer or send the appliance, with the
correct postage paid, together with a valid purchase receipt to us.*
Space for purchase receipt:
In the event of a claim under the warranty please fill in and return to:
JBL GmbH & Co. KG, Service Dept., Wattstr. 4, D-67141 Neuhofen, Germany
Serial No.
Purchase date: _ _ / _ _ / _ _
(please include purchase receipt,
which will be returned with the appliance)
Reason for claim:
Date:................................................ Signature:................................................
JBL ProFlora u401
JBL ProFlora u402
JBL ProFlora u403
JBL ProFlora m601
JBL ProFlora m602
JBL ProFlora m603
JBL ProFlora m1003