5. "Success Mode updated" will appear on screen and the Keypad will beep three times and flash a green
LED once complete. Input Signal – Non-Display Keypad
Note: The Input Signal is not configurable for the 701 model Keypad. By default, Remote Disable/Lockout is
Follow these steps to configure the Input Signal on a 702 Non-Display Keypad:
Using the Keypad, input #16 + Master ID and Combination + Input Signal Mode (0 = Ignore, 1 = Remote
Disabled/Lockout, 2 = Remote Time Delay Override, 3 = Remote Dual User Override) + <return key> (←).
2. The Keypad will beep three times and flash a green LED once complete
3.4 Users
3.4.1 Lock User Types
There are three types of users, each with different capabilities. The sub-sections outlined below cover each Lock
User Type and their respective functions. Master
There will always be 1 Master User per safe lock
Combination length is always 8 digits and is not modified by the combination length system setting
The default factory combination is 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8
The User ID is always 00 and cannot change
Can create or modify Manager and Standard users
Can change system settings
Cannot open the lock
Can change their combination either via the Keypad or the LA GARD Software client
Master cannot change their combination to 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8
Master combination must be changed upon first use. It will be required as a part of installing the lock.
Remote Time Delay
Remote Dual User
Displayed to user
Disable Open
Dly Override
Dual Override
dormakaba USA Inc. System User Guide 7040.1121 Rev E2 10/22 | 23