3.12 Guard limits
Allows the welding process to be controlled by setting warning
and guard limits
main measurable parameters :
Welding current
Welding voltage
Gas flow
Automation movement
Current Consumption (motor 1)
Current Consumption (motor 2)
Coolant flow
Wire speed
Coolant temperature
Enter set-up by pressing the encoder button for at least 5 sec-
Select the required parameter (801).
Enter the "Guard limits" screen by pressing the encoder button.
Select the required parameter by pressing button (1)
Select the method of setting the guard limits by pressing button
Absolute value
Percentage value
for the
7 Warning limits line
8 Alarm limits line
9 Minimum levels column
10 Maximum levels column
Select the required box by pressing the encoder key (the select-
ed box is displayed with reverse contrast).
Adjust the level of the selected limit by rotating the encoder.
Save and exit the current screen by pressing button (4)
Passing one of the warning limits causes a visual signal to appear
on the control panel.
Passing one of the alarm limits causes a visual signal to appear
on the control panel and the immediate blockage of the weld-
ing operations.
It is possible to set start and end of welding filters to prevent
error signals during the striking and extinction of the arc (consult
the "Set up" section - Parameters 802-803-804).
3.13 Alarms screen
Allows the intervention of an alarm to be indicated and provides
the most important indications for the solution of any problem
Alarm icon
Alarm code
Alarm type