eneral warnIngs
Check that there is water in the boiler and that the gate valves of
the system are open.
Make sure that the combustion products may be freely vented
through the boiler and flue dampers.
Check that all the gate valves fitted on the fuel pipes are open;
the same applies to any other fuel shut-off devices.
Adjust the air for the ignition flame:
Make sure that the fan motor rotates in the correct direction.
Carry out a check of the equipment before commissioning, after each
overhaul and after the equipment has been inactive for a long time.
Verify the combustion chamber does not contain gas before any igni-
tion operation.
Attempting a start up without introducing gas, verify a lock out
stop occurs at the end of the safety time (or more cycle repeti-
tions up to a maximum of 10, depending on the settings).
Interrupting the flow of gas with the equipment operating, verify
that voltage to the gas solenoid valves is cut within 1 sec., and
after a cycle repetition (or more repetitions up to a maximum of
10, depending on the settings), the equipment carries out a lock
out stop.
Irst IgnItIon power adjustment
For the single-stage burner equipped with manual adjustment,
adjust the combustion air by following the indications described in
the section "Air regulation on the combustion head diagram".
Now turn on the burner panel switch START/STOP switch. The
control equipment is powered and the programmer activates the
burner as described in the chapter "Operation description". During
pre-ventilation, make sure that the air pressure switch changes
its status. If the air pressure switch does not detect sufficient
pressure, the ignition transformer is not switched on, nor are the
gas valves, therefore the equipment "locks out".
On first switching on repeated "lock-outs" may occur due to the
following reasons:
The gas piping has not been bled from air correctly and so there
is not enough gas to provide a stable flame.
A "lock out" with flame presence could be caused by flame
instability due to an incorrect air/gas ratio. This can be solved
by changing the amount of air and/or gas supplied, so as to find
the right ratio. The same problem may be caused by incorrect
air/gas distribution in the combustion head. This can be solved
through the combustion head adjustment device, by closing or
opening further the air passage between combustion head and
gas diffuser.
Clockwise rotation increases air flow rate;
In anticlockwise rotation the air flow decreases
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