State: Released Date: 2020.07.13 23:03 GMT Effectivity: Upon Release
CAUTION: There is a risk of air infiltration when withdrawing objects from the hemostasis valve of the sheath. Take precautions
to prevent air infiltration by withdrawing objects slowly to prevent vacuum buildup in the sheath and fluoroscopically monitor
the sheath during ensuing device insertion for the presence of air.
• Turn the needle stopcock to the off position and disconnect any attachments to the needle hub.
• Remove the BRK™ Transseptal Needle from the dilator. The needle may be cleaned and set aside for repeat use in this
procedure. Otherwise, discard by appropriate means for contaminated sharp objects.
• Immediately attach a syringe to the dilator and aspirate. Continue aspirating blood while holding the sheath in position and
withdrawing the dilator. The blood should be arterial blood.
• Once the dilator is removed, aspirate blood through the side arm of the sheath, and then flush it with heparinized saline,
taking care to avoid air bubbles.
• The sheath is now in place in the left atrium.
NOTE: The symbols section contains all the symbols that may be used on product labels. Product is labeled as required.