Never carry out capacitance tests on a live circuit.
Select from among the following ranges: 40 µF, 400 µF or
4000 µF
Always observe the correct polarity of electrolytic
capacitors. They can also be temperature sensitive so
avoid touching them during measurement.
Connect the leads to the multimeter and to the capacitor
to be tested.
If necessary, store the value in memory by pressing the
HOLD button.
As necessary, press the following buttons:
MIN MAX to read off the min. or max. values.
to light up the display
For capacitors polarised at ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ 10 V, the measurement is not
specified (not guaranteed)
For short-circuit capacitances, OL is displayed.
Always switch off the circuit to be tested before
connecting it to the multimeter.
Select the micro-ammeter function µA
Warning : connect the leads to the multimeter and connect
in series to the circuit with the red lead in the "µA" terminal.
Press the ... button and ~ to select DC or AC.
Switch on the circuit upon which the measurement is to
be carried out.
Automatic range selection : Read off the value.
If necessary, store the value in memory by pressing the
HOLD button.
As necessary press the following buttons:
MIN MAX to read off the min. or max. values (see § 2
Description : MIN - MAX)
to light up the display
40 µF
10 nF
± 2 % R ± 4 ct
HRC fuse 0.1 A / 660 V
400 µF
100 nF
4000 µF
1 µF
± 3 % R
± 4 ct