From an operational point of view, they are the same, as they feature the
same fireplace and oven section. The internal measurements of the
fireplace are 530X590X300mm. It includes a pull-out grill plate and grill
support component for easy cleaning and longer life. The fireplace
features grooves on the sides at two heights to place the grill plate; this
provides the fireplace with one of the most important innovations of this
model: its grill function.
the roasting tray; a cast iron component enamelled in glass-fired
porcelain that can be used for food and that is removable. It is located at
the bottom of the oven and can be used to cook all types of grilled
dishes. There is a gap below the tray that collects all liquids generated by
the cooking process and that can be cleaned by removing the grill plate
from inside the oven.
Both the fire-place and oven doors feature glass-ceramic glass, which are
more resistant than tempered glass at high temperatures. The oven doors
include a long-bulb thermometer to measure the cooking temperature
inside the oven.
The optimum regulation and control of the cooking temperature inside
the oven can be achieved by means of adjusting the primary air intake on
the fireplace door (combustion air adjustment valve) and by means of the
fumes outlet valve on the top right-hand side of the external chassis,
which enables users to maintain the oven cooking temperature for a
longer period of time with smaller fuel loads.
The oven models presented above, the SANTACRUZ and the ARANDA, are
models that must be built-in during building, both indoors or outdoor
under cover.
There are two types of lining for both oven models. Both linings are
manufactured in 3mm thick hot laminated steel sheets, providing the
necessary robustness and aspect. Two coats of paint are applied. The first
The internal measurements
cooking volume of 102
litres. The grill supports on
the sides can be removed
to make cleaning easier.
With a view to enhancing
its cooking functions, a
stainless steel and a glass-
provided. Another of the
this model in the oven is