Nous soussignés - Ondergetekende fa.- We - Nosotros:
attestons sous notre entière responsabilité que le produit suivant - verklaart onder eigen verantwoordelijkheid, dat het volgende produkterklärt unter
eigener - hereby declares under full responsability that the following product - declaramos bajo nuestra propia responsabilidad que el producto
Appareil – product - Apparatus - Producto:
Marque - Merk - Trademark - Marca: LAMBER
Fabricant - Fabrikant - Manufacturer - Fabricante: LAMBER SRL
auquel se référe cette dèclaration, est conforme aux normes suivantes:
waarop deze verklaring van toepassing is, aan de volgende normen voldoet:
for which this declaration refers to the conformity of the following standards:
a la cual esta declaración se refiere, que esta conforme a las siguientes normas:
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 1: General requirements EN 60335-1:2012+A11:2014+A13:2017
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-58: Particular requirements for commercial electric dishwashing
machines EN 60335-2-58:2005+A1:2008+A11:2010+A2:2015+A12:2016
Measurement methods for electromagnetic fields of household appliances and similar apparatus with regard to human exposure
EN 62233:2008
Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus - Part 1: Emission
EN 55014-1:2006+A1:2009+A2:2011
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-2: Limits - Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input current ≤ 16 A per
phase) EN 61000-3-2:2014
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-12: Limits - Limits for harmonic currents produced by equipment connected to public
low-voltage systems with input current > 16 A and <= 75 A per phase EN 61000-3-12:2011
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-3: Limits - Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low-
voltage supply systems, for equipment with rated current <= 16 A per phase and not subject to conditional connection
EN 61000-3-3:2013
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-11: Limits - Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low-
voltage supply systems - Equipment with rated current <= 75 A and subject to conditional connection EN 61000-3-11:2000
Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus - Part 2: Immunity -
Product family standard EN 55014-2:2015
Electric appliances connected to the water mains - Avoidance of backsiphonage and failure of hose-sets EN 61770:2009
selon ce qui est prevu par les Directives/op grond van voorziene richtlijnen
on the basis of what is foreseen by the Directives/Conforme a lo previsto por las Disposiciones:
Nous déclinons toute responsabilité pour sinistres à personnes ou à objets qui derivent de l'intervention de la part de tiers non specialistes ou de carences de manutention ou
reparation.Wij wijzen iedere verantwoordelijkheid af voor wat betreft schade aan personen of dingen, die voortvloeien uit fout ingrijpen of gebrekkig onderhoud of reparatie. We
decline any responsability for injuries or damage derived from machine misuse, abuse by others or improper machine maintenance or repairs. Declinamos cualquier
responsabilidad por siniestros a personas o cosas que sean derivadas de menoscabo por parte de terceros o por carencias de manutención o reparación.
li 08/01/2020
LAMBER SRL – Via Italia 6 – 26855 Lodivecchio (LO) ITALY
Tipo/Modello - Type / Model – Type / Modéle – Typ / Modell
technical file case manager : Ing Affaba Roberto
address : via italia 6 – 26855 – Lodivecchio (LO) Italy
2014/30/EU - 2006/42/EC
The administrator