USER'S MANUAL AE-966 / 967
Sequence (Seq)
Sequence function records and playbacks user-defined macro (measurement
steps). 10 sequences are available in repeat or single running mode, each with 20 steps
available for all panel operations. Delay and pause features allows observing
measurement result during the sequence. Edit Sequence
1. Select
1.- Press the Sequence key..
2.- Press F1 (sequence 1 ~ 5) or F2
(sequence 6 ~ 10) repeatedly to select the
sequence ID.
2. Start editing
1.- Press F3 (Edit).
2.- Press F1 (Start Edit).
3.- The Start Edit sign on the middle of the
display turns green.
Select Seq
F 1
1 2 3 4 5
Select Seq
F 2
6 7 8 9 10
F 3
Start Edit
F 1
Start Edit
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