Finger guidance
The fingers may be rejected wrongly, if they have not been taught-in cor-
rectly. The teach-in process must be carefully performed. The better the
finger is taught-in, the better it will be detected during identification later.
If the finger has been taught-in incorrectly, the behaviour can be improved
by teaching-in the same finger two to three times.
A large fingerprint area is required in order to effectively identify it. The
finger should therefore be as flat as possible when dragged over the sensor.
Door opening behaviour (only door installation)
If the door is opened for longer than 12 s, the fingerprint scanner is shut
down. If these shutdown periods are brief, the fingerprint scanner sensor
reaches its optimum operating temperature within 3 to 5 seconds. If the
door has been open continuously for longer than 10 minutes, it takes
between 15 and 20 seconds for the fingerprint scanner sensor to reach its
optimum operating temperature. In this warm-up phase, the fingers may
not be detected (rejection with red LED). If this is the case, please drag your
fingers across the sensor again.
The saved fingerprints for opening the door (templates) are retained in the
event of a power failure. After a power failure, the date and time must be
set again in order to evaluate events.