val shrimp already contains a small amount
of food which should be enough for the fi rst
three days. You don't have to feed them dur-
ing this time. Afterwards the primeval shrimp
need tiny algae for food. These are contained
in the JBL ArtemioFluid food which you
can buy in a pet shop. However, don't feed
your shrimp as much as the instructions say
on ArtemioFluid. These instructions are for
people who want to breed a lot of shrimp as
food for their fi sh.
Follow this rule of thumb: For
your aquarium containing rough-
ly 8 litres, add one drop of food to
the water every two days in the
fi rst week. In the second week,
when your shrimp have already
grown a bit, you can increase the
amount of food by one drop.
The food turns the water slightly green and
cloudy. When the little shrimp have "eaten
the water clear" you can add a further one
or two drops. After two to three weeks the
shrimp are fully grown and roughly one and
a half centimetres long.
CAUTION: Never give them too much food!
This ruins the water and your little shrimp
can't survive. Carefully stir the water several
times a day. This stirs up the food pieces
which have settled on the fl oor of the con-
tainer and supplies the water with oxygen.
The water for your primeval shrimp
As you have surely noticed, your shrimp need
salt in their water. They can't survive without
salt. But too much salt can harm them. There-
fore you should put a piece of sticky tape
on the outside of the aquarium or jam jar
to mark the water level when you fi rst fi ll it
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up. That way you always
know how much water
needs to be in it.
Water evaporates with
time. You should regu-
larly refi ll it with tap water up to the sticky
tape. This is necessary because only pure wa-
ter evaporates, leaving the salt in the leftover
water and making it "thicker". By refi lling it
with tap water, the salt is thinned down back
to the normal amount.
Let your shrimp have fresh water every 2 – 3
weeks. For this prepare water with salt in a
clean bucket. To do this, use the JBL Artemi-
oSal special salt which is also included in this
You need about half the amount of tap water
that there is in your aquarium. Add one box-
lid full of salt (from the ArtemioKid box) to
one litre of tap water.
Thoroughly stir the water with the salt and
leave it to stand for 2 days. Now take out
about half of your shrimp's water with a
clean cup or suction it off with a narrow hose.
Be careful that none of your shrimp escape!
Then carefully refi ll the aquarium with the
new prepared water.
If you need any refi ll, you will fi nd JBL Ar-
21.09.2009 12:08:32 Uhr