• Python 250
C2) Hotate the throttle t·wist grip hv 1/8 to 1/4 turn.
)Start the engine hv the electrir- or the kick starting svstem.
C{; Slighllv turn the throttle Lwisl grip to increase the speed of the engine so as to \·vann up the engine.
(;' )Turn Lhc carburetor choke bar dmvmvm·d to "D",lully open the choke \d-ten the en rine i::-; sufficiently \Ymmed up.
The en{fine can only he started alter the neutral position is ascertained.Otherwise accident will happen.
Unnecessary idle runninx(especialy at a hi/(h speed)is harmiul to the enxine.
Procedureol lopping engine:
(i) Release the Lhroltk L\·viHl grip to low dmvn the engirw
i_:ZYl'urn to the neutral position.
Gf)Set the ignition swit<"h kev to "OFb'" position.
(4) Set the fuel coek(the fuel tank valve)handle to ''OFF" position.
Switc.hts on Ri ht Handlt har
Start button
Thorttlc twist !!,rip