8. When the patient is clear of the commode surface,
use the steering handles to move the lift away from
the commode.
9. Perform one of the following:
Return the patient to the bed. Reverse the
procedures in:
– 6.4 Lifting and Transferring the Patient
– 5.2 Raising/Lowering the Lift
– 6.3 Attaching the Slings to the Lift
Return the patient to a wheelchair. Refer to 6.4.4
Wheelchair Transfer.
6.4.3 Bed Transfer
Use the following guidelines when transferring to or from
a bed:
Position the patient as far over the bed as possible.
If patient is being transferred from a surface that is
lower than the bed, press the up arrow button to raise
the patient above the surface of the bed. The patient
should be elevated just high enough to clear the bed
with their weight fully supported by the lift.
When the patient is clear of the bed surface, swing
their feet off the bed (Detail "B").
After transfer, unhook the sling from all attachment
points on the lift and remove the sling from around
the patient.
6.4.4 Wheelchair Transfer
Lifting the Patient