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  • ESPAÑOL, página 6

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This information sheet covers essential information for fitting, guarding, filling and maintenance of GCE High Pressure Cylinder
Valves for technical gases.
The product complies with essential requirements of 2010/35/E Transportable Pressure Equipment Directive.
The product with V-9 marking complies with requirements of CGA V-9 standard.
Cylinder valves for technical gases are used for pressure cylinders, designed for compressed or condensed gases or for gases
dissolved under high pressure. Cylinder valves control gas flow to cylinder during filling and from cylinder during gas usage. Cylinder
valves are designed for gas cylinders with working pressure up to 300 bars. Cylinder valves for N2O, CO2 and CGA V-9 valves are
usually equipped with a safety device which prevents the rise of pressure in the cylinder. Cylinder valves may be equipped with
Residual Pressure Device (RPD) in accordance with EN ISO 15996 that keep the residual pressure in the cylinder. Such cylinder
valves have an extended maximal lifetime to 15 years - see the Lifetime chapter.
This product is supplied in various versions for use with different gases and different cylinder neck threads. Before fitting the
valve to a cylinder, check the information on the valve packaging to ensure you have the correct gas version and stem thread
compatible with the cylinder to be fitted.
Valves must be fitted to cylinders according to the requirements of EN ISO 13341. Particular care should be taken to ensure the
thread sealant material is applied correctly and is compatible with the gas service and pressure.
Valves must be fitted to cylinders equipped with valve protection device.
Use a suitable valve tool for valve assembling. Valving square is located above inlet connection.
To assembly, please follow the tightening torques given by EN ISO 13341 standards or recommended by the supplier of cylinders.
Maintain oxygen cleanness standards during fitting.
Valve guarding shall be provided according to ISO 11117.
If the cylinder with the valve is not in use (no pressure device connected), the outlet thread should be fitted with a cap or plug.
The product is supplied in various versions of connection standards. Check the connection standard in information on the valve
packaging or on body of the cylinder valve.
If the valves are equipped with Residual Pressure Device (RPD), only filling adapters specified by valve producer shall be used.
Caution: Be aware that residual pressure is still present.
During filling the ON / OFF handwheel / spindle key must be fully open. Note: Open anticlockwise, close clockwise.
After filling do not use an excessive force to close the valve (the torque must not exceed 7 Nm for Ø 65mm handwheel,
resp. 4.5 Nm for Ø 45mm handwheel or 2.9 Nm for Ø 27mm handwheel).
Use only the correct spindle key on key operated valves.
After first filling check cylinder / valve joint for leaks. For oxygen and air equipment use only leak detection fluids approved for
use with oxygen systems.
Warning: Do not use leak detection or cleaning fluids containing ammonia or other substances, that can cause stress corrosion
cracking in brass materials.
Repairs can be only done by a GCE certified person who also holds all necessary certificates in compliance with national stand-
ards for mounting and repair of dedicated gas devices. Repair that do not need to be done by a certified personnel include of the
bellow mentioned components: Handwheel, Bursting disc, RPD, protective covers. Caution: Use only original GCE spare parts!
Contact your local GCE representative for further details, before returning or removing the product.
Maximum life time of the cylinder valves equipped with the Residual Pressure Device (RPD) is 15 years from the date of manufacture. Lifetime
of all other valves is 10 years from the date of manufacture. All components should be disposed of according to local environmental laws
applicable in the country of disposal. In accordance to Article 33 of REACH GCE, s.r.o. as responsible manufacturer shall inform all customers if
materials containing 0.1% or more of substances included in the list of Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC).
The most commonly used brass alloys used for bodies and other brass components contain 2-3% of lead (Pb), EC no. 231-468-6, CAS no. 7439-
92-1. The lead will not be released to the gas or surrounding environment during normal use. After end of life the product shall be scrapped by
an authorized metal recycler to ensure efficient material handling with minimal impact to environment and health.
To date we have no information that indicates that other materials containing SVHC of concentrations exceeding 0.1% are included in any
GCE product.
Cylinder pressure:
Cylinder Valves: working pressure of the valve is marked on the body of valve.
Valves with Safety Devices: overpressure at which safety device will relief gas is marked on the safety screw.
Service temperature ranges from -20°C to +65°C, transportation and storage temperature is from -40°C to +65°C
Spindle type – soft seat
GCE, s.r.o. Žižkova 381, 583 01 Chotěboř, Czech Republic,


Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para GCE 40519

  • Página 1 10 years from the date of manufacture. All components should be disposed of according to local environmental laws applicable in the country of disposal. In accordance to Article 33 of REACH GCE, s.r.o. as responsible manufacturer shall inform all customers if materials containing 0.1% or more of substances included in the list of Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC).
  • Página 2 10 let. Všechny komponenty by měly být likvidovány v souladu s místními environmentálními zákony platnými v zemi jejich likvidace. V souladu s článkem 33 nařízení REACH se společnost GCE, s.r.o. jako odpovědný výrobce zavazuje informovat všechny zákazníky, pokud materiály obsahují 0,1 % nebo více látek uvedených na seznamu látek vzbuzujících velmi velké obavy (SVHC).
  • Página 3 Komponenten: Steuergerät, Berstscheibe, RPD, Schutzkappen. HINWEIS: Nur GCE Originaler- satzteile verwenden! • Kontaktieren Sie Ihren GCE-Repräsentanten vor Ort, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten, bevor Sie das Produkt zurückgeben oder entfernen. 7. LEBENSDAUER Die maximale Lebensdauer des Produktes beträgt 15 Jahre für Ventile mit Restdruckventil (RPD). Für sonstige Ventile beträgt die maximale Lebensdauer des Produktes 10 Jahre.
  • Página 4 środowisko naturalne i zdrowie. Na dzień dzisiejszy nie posiadamy żadnych informacji, które wskazywałyby, że w jakimkolwiek produkcie GCE zawarte są substancje zawierające stężenia SVHC powyżej 0,1 %.
  • Página 5 • Seul un professionnel agréé GCE, détenteur de tous les certificats requis répondant aux normes nationales en matière de montage et de réparation de dispositifs à gaz, est habilité à effectuer les réparations. Les réparations qui ne doivent pas nécessairement être effectuées par un personnel agréé...
  • Página 6: Introducción

    La vida útil del resto de válvulas es de 10 años desde la fecha de fabricación. Todos los componentes deben desecharse de acuerdo con las leyes locales en materia ambiental aplicables en cada país. De conformidad con el artículo 33 de REACH, la empresa GCE, s.r.o.
  • Página 7 A vida útil de todas as outras válvulas é de 10 anos, a contar da data de fabrico. Todos os componentes devem ser eliminados de acordo com as leis ambientais locais aplicáveis ao país da eliminação. De acordo com o artigo 33 da REACH, a GCE, s.r.o., como fabricante responsável, deve informar todos os clientes se os materiais contêm 0,1 % ou mais de substâncias incluídas na lista de Substâncias com...
  • Página 8 La durata funzionale di tutte le altre valvole è di 10 anni a partire dalla data di fabbricazione. Tutti i componenti devono essere smaltiti secondo le normative ambientali locali in vigore nel paese di smaltimento. Ai sensi dell’articolo 33 del regolamento REACH, la GCE, s.r.o., in qualità...
  • Página 9 6. ONDERHOUD • Reparaties mogen alleen worden uitgevoerd door een door GCE erkend persoon die tevens in het bezit is van alle vereiste cer- tificaten volgens de nationale voorschriften inzake het monteren en repareren van gespecialiseerde gastoestellen. Reparaties die niet uitgevoerd hoeven te worden door erkend personeel omvatten de onderstaande componenten: handwiel, breekplaatje, RPD, beschermende deksels.
  • Página 10: Karbantartás

    Minden más szelep maximális élettartama 10 év a gyártás dátumától számítva. Minden alkatrész hulladékkezelését az országos és helyi környezetvédelmi előírások betartásával kell végezni. A REACH 33. cikkével egységben a GCE, s.r.o. társaság, mint felelős gyártó, kötelezi magát valamennyi ügyfele tájékoztatására, ha az anyagok 0,1 %-t vagy több olyan anyagot tartalmaznak, ame- lyek a különös aggodalomra okot adó...
  • Página 11: Технически Данни

    трябва да се изхвърлят като отпадък в съответствие с приложимите в страната на изхвърляне местни закони за опазване на околната среда. В съответствие с член 33 от Регламента REACH, фирма GCE, s.r.o., като отговорен производител се задължава да информира всички клиенти в случай, че материалите съдържат 0,1% или повече вещества споменати в списъка на веществата, които...
  • Página 12 10 ani de la data fabricării. Toate componentele trebuie eliminate conform legilor de mediu locale aplicabile în țara în care acestea sunt eliminate. În conformitate cu articolul 33 din Regulamentul REACH, societatea GCE, s.r.o. în calitate de producător responsabil se obligă...
  • Página 13 životne sredine koji se primenjuju u zemlji odlaganja. U skladu s člankom 33. Uredbe REACH, tvrtka GCE, s.r.o. kao odgovorni proizvođač obvezuje se da će sve kupce obavijestiti ukoliko će materijali sadržavati 0,1 % ili više tvari navedenih u popisu tvari koje izazivaju vrlo veliku zabrinutost (SVHC).
  • Página 14: Срок Службы

    который нет необходимости выполнять сертифицированным персоналом, включает упомянутые ниже компоненты: маховик, разрывную мембрану, КОД, защитные чехлы. Осторожно! Используйте только оригинальные запасные части GCE! • Обратитесь к местному представителю GCE для получения дополнительной информации, до того как вернуть или снять изделие. 7. СРОК СЛУЖБЫ...
  • Página 15 配有余压阀 (RPD) 的气缸阀的使用寿命自生产日起长达 15 年。其他所有阀门的使用寿命为生产日起 10 年。应根据组 件处理所在 国家/地区的当地适用环境保护法弃置所有组件。 根据欧盟《化学品注册、评估、授权和限制法规》(简称《REACH法规》)第33条之规定,当产品的生产材料种含有《高度关 注物质(SVHC)清单》所列的物质并且其含量在0.1%或以上时,则GCE,,作为负责任的制造商,应向所有顾客进行 告知。 我们产品主体部分和其他黄铜部件所最常使用的黄铜合金包含了2-3%的铅(Pb)(EC编号:231-468-6,CAS编号:7439-92-1 )。在产品的正常使用过程中,铅不会释放到空气中或周围环境中。在产品的使用寿命结束之后,产品应由授权的金属回收商进 行报废处理,以确保对材料进行有效地处理,从而对环境和健康的影响最小。 到目前为止,没有任何信息表明GCE公司的产品中的其他材料含有浓度超过0.1%高度关注物质(SVHC)。 8. 技术数据 气瓶压力: • 气瓶阀:阀门的工作压力标于阀体上。 • 配有安全装置的阀门:安全装置会在超压时释放气体,此超压数值标于安全装置螺钉上。 使用温度范围为 -20°C 到 +65°C,运输和存储温度范围为 -40°C 到 +65°C 主轴类型 — 软座。 制造商 GCE, s.r.o. Žižkova 381, 583 01 Chotěboř, 捷克, 15/16 15/16...
  • Página 16 Till dags dato har vi inte någon information som antyder att andra material i någon produkt från GCE innehåller komponenter ur SVHC-listan i koncentrationer överstigande 0,1%.

Tabla de contenido