The waiting time after switching on of R1 or R2 until switching on also of the relay operating in
parallel is set in this menu.
Follow-up time
The time the relay operating in parallel continues to operate after the set signal output has been
deactivated is set in this menu.
6.8 Always on
The relay always remains active.
6.9 Heating circuit
In the heating function, a simple heating circuit in the system controls the time and temperature.
The heating circuit settings determine the "Home temp. (Day)" and "Home temp. (Night)" for the
relevant ambient probe.
Heating circ.
Activate the function.
Home day temp.
The set temperature deemed the reference temperature.
Home night temp.
The set temperature deemed the reference temperature.
Night mode is defined outside the heating periods.
Select the sensor used to measure the ambient temperature.
Daytime operation hours
Set the time bands that the thermostat is to use "Home day temp." as a reference. Three times
can be specified for each day of the week, and individual days can be copied to other days.
Outside these times, the thermostat uses "Home night temp.".
» Note: To avoid continuous switching, the function must detect a temperature above or
below the reference for at least 30 seconds before the relay switches
code 3542A420 - Rev. 00 - 12/2021