Fitting stacking plates and wall plates on a Hybrigene
A trained technician should carry out this work only after reading the full
In a full kit, check that you have:
A wall bracket;
A support bracket;
2 stacking plates;
15 M4 x 8mm long screws;
15 M4 crinkle washers;
3 No 8 x ¾" self tapping screws;
A thumb screw.
Support brackets
M4 x 8 screws & washers
on the back of the unit
Stacking plate
M4 x 8 screws & washers
Thumb screw
Side of the Top Hybrigene
i ii
i ii
Backs of the Hybrigenes
H y b r i g e n e O P E R A T O R ' S M A N U A L
In a wall bracket kit, check that you have:
A wall bracket;
A support bracket;
Three M4 x 8mm long screws;
Three M4 crinkle washers;
Three No 8 x ¾" self tapping screws;
A thumb screw.
In a stacking kit, check that you have:
A stacking plate;
Six M4 x 8mm long screws;
Six M4 crinkle washers;
Wall Brackets
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 1 2
Self-tapping Screws