Chapter 12 : Emergency Operation
Exiting Emergency as Supervisor (Trunking Only)
Radios configured as Supervisor are able to cancel emergency mode of other radios. The dispatch
console must be preprogrammed to use this feature. Contact your system administrator for more
1 Perform one of the following actions:
If the emergency mode is in-
itiated by other radios,
If the emergency mode is in-
itiated by the Supervisor,
NOTE: The combinations of the following buttons are supported in your radio:
Radio 1-Dot (Side Middle) and Top (Orange) buttons.
Radio 1-Dot (Side Middle) and accessory Top (Orange) buttons.
Accessory 1-Dot Button and radio Top (Orange) button.
Accessory 1-Dot Button and accessory Orange button.
Exit Emergency Via Console (Trunking Only)
Radios configured as console only are not able to cancel emergency mode from the radio. The
dispatch operator or supervisor must clear the emergency. Contact your system administrator for more
Emergency Beacon
When the radio is in Emergency mode, the Emergency Beacon feature transmits Bluetooth Low
Energy (BTLE) signals and other Emergency information to nearby radios.
Contact your system administrator for more information.
Press and hold the preprogrammed Emergency button until
you hear the emergency exit tone.
a From the Home screen, swipe down the Status Bar.
b Tap Cancel and confirm the action by tapping Yes.
press and hold the 1-Dot (Side Middle) button, and press
the Emergency button.
Perform one of the following actions:
Press and hold the Emergency button.
Press and hold the 1-Dot (Side Middle) button, and
press the Emergency button.
Wait for console to clear emergency.