Operating Instructions SATA LPS R 2000, SATA LPS RB 2000 RP, SATAminijet 1000 A S HVLP
Damage from incorrect cleaning tool
Never use unsuitable objects to clean clogged holes. Even the tiniest
damage can influence the spray pattern.
→ Use SATA nozzle cleaning needles (# 62174) or (# 9894).
In rare cases, it may be necessary to dismantle some parts of the auto-
matic gun to clean them thoroughly. If dismantling should be necessary,
this should be limited just to the parts whose function brings them in
contact with the material.
Purge the automatic gun thoroughly with thinner.
■ Clean air cap with a paint brush or brush.
■ Lightly grease moving parts with high performance grease (# 48173).
11. Malfunctions
The malfunctions described below may only be remedied by trained per-
sonnel. If it is not possible to remedy a malfunction with the corrective
actions described below, send the automatic gun to the SATA customer
service department (see chapter 14).
Risk of injuries from components coming loose or leaking
If maintenance work is performed while still connected to the com-
pressed air circuit, components can unexpectedly work loose and mate-
rial can leak.
→ Disconnect the automatic gun from the compressed air circuit and the
material supply before all kinds of maintenance work.