Carrier Frequency
The maximum carrier frequency varies by function, model, and output voltage, as shown here. The default is 1 kHz
for all functions other than arbitrary waveforms. Arbitrary waveform "frequency" is also set using the
FUNCtion:ARBitrary:SRATe command.
Front Panel Operations
Press [Parameter] > Frequency . Use the numeric keypad or the knob and arrows to set a desired value. If you use
the keypad, select a unit prefix to finish.
SCPI Command
[SOURce[1|2]:]FREQuency {<frequency>|MINimum|MAXimum|DEFault}
The APPLy command configures a waveform with one command.
Modulating Waveform Shape
On a two-channel instrument you can modulate one channel with the other.
You cannot modulate noise with noise, PRBS with PRBS, or an arbitrary waveform with an arbitrary waveform.
The modulating waveform shape (internal source) may be:
– Sine wave
– Square with 50% duty cycle
– Triangle with 50% symmetry
– UpRamp with 100% symmetry
– DnRamp with 0% symmetry
Keysight EDU33210 Series User's Guide