• Do not change the battery voltage value and fine adjustment battery
• Don´t exit SETTING SCREEN 1 by switching off the battery.
• If the battery is fully charged and the screen display shows the fol-
lowing when switching on, you must follow steps 3, 5 and 6.
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Your HANDBIKE BATEC HIBRID has been carefully designed for opti-
mal performance, but it is important that you carry out certain pre-
ventative maintenance tasks in line with the use you give your HAND-
BIKE BATEC HIBRID. This will greatly reduce the chance of problems
(See fig. 40)
and increase the lifespan of your HANDBIKE BATEC HIBRID.
In order to minimise the risk of accidents and/or damage to your
HANDBIKE BATEC HIBRID, it is very important to have all repairs car-
ried out by an authorised BATEC MOBILITY distributor.
Remember that your main source of information and help is the dis-
tributor that delivered your HANDBIKE BATEC HIBRID, who can also
respond to any questions regarding adjustments, maintenance and
the warranty.
As you are a member of the "BATEC MOBILITY Family", we encourage
you to stay in touch with your BATEC HANBDIKE representative in or-
der to make the most of the product.
We propose the follow preventative maintenance plan schedule:
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