If you wish to install furniture or a
cutlery drawer under the stovetop,
fig. 1
a separation board must be fitted
between the two. Accidental contact
with the hot surface of the device's
housing is thus prevented.
The board must be fitted 20 mm
beneath the under part of the stovetop.
Before you connect the stovetop to the
mains, check that the voltage and fre
stovetop nameplate, which is under-
neath it, and on the Guarantee Sheet,
or if applicable on the technical data
sheet, which you must keep together
with this manual throughout the pro-
duct's service life.
The electrical connection will be via
an allpole circuit breaker or plug,
whenever accessible, in accordance
with the current and with a minimum
3 mm distance between contacts. This
ensures disconnection in emergencies
and allows stovetop cleaning.