Also check whether the heating element has reached operating temperature. Heating is
ended when the yellow diode goes off and the green diode lights.
To guarantee even distribution of heat over the entire surface of the heating plate,
it is required to wait a period of approx. 10 minutes after the green diode lights up
(according to DVS). You must check the temperature with an appropriate tempera-
turemeasurement device!
Swing the trimmer (1) between the pieces of pipe until the ratchet pawl (7) snaps in and turn
on with the handle.
Risk of injury! Do not grasp into the running knife while the trimmer is put into
operation. Operate trimmer only in swivelled in state (work position) and swiv-
el back again afterwards. The operativeness of the safety switch in the trim-
mer must be guaranteed at all times to prevent unintentional starting outside
the work position!
With the grip bar (6) move the ends of the workpieces carefully against the rotating knives of
the trimmer disks.
An excessively high milling pressure can lead to overheating and damage to
the miller drive. When the milling drive is overloaded or at rest, raise the ma-
chine and reduce the pressure!
For one-sided milling, turn the stop on the underside of the milling machine to the side that is
NOT to be worked on.
After the front sides are trimmed flat, which can be recognized by a uniform and unbroken
chip, slowly move the pipes ends apart. Unlock the trimmer (1) by pulling out the ring (7) and
swivel it.
Move workpieces together and check whether the welded surfaces are flat. If this is not the
case, trimming must be repeated.
The axial offset between the workpieces must not be greater than 10% of the wall thickness and
the gap between the flat surfaces must not be greater than 0.5 mm (according to DVS). If this is
not the case, adjust with the help of the clamping screws and pipe supports and repeat trimming.
The trimmed surfaces prepared for welding must not be touched with the hands
and must be kept free of dirt!
Risk of crushing! Always maintain a safe distance from the machine when
moving clamping tools and pipes together! Never reach into the working area!
Swivel the heating element (2) between the two workpieces.
Bring the pipe ends together, put force to the grip bar (6) and stop the driveshaft by pulling
the clamping lever (5).
As soon as the required bead height is reached evenly over the entire circumference at the
pipe ends, disengage the clamping lever (5), reduce the force to the corresponding preheat-
ing force (near 0) and screw up the clamping lever (5) tightly again. It must be ensured that
the workpiece ends abut evenly to the heating plate.
After the preheating time is over, disengage clamping lever (5) move workpieces apart,
swivel out the heating element (2) and move the workpiece ends together again. While do-
ing this, increase the corresponding joining force as linearly as possible until the nominal
force is reached (see the accompanying book for welding parameters) and pull the clamping
lever (5). The joining force must be maintained during the entire cooling period.
At the end of the cooling period, disengage the clamping lever (5) and release the spring via
the grip bar. Unclamp and take out the welded tube sections.
All welding parameters can be found in the enclosed welding tables.
Putting out of operation
Unplug the trimmer and heating element.
Swivel trimmer into the space between the main clamps.