Operating instructions SATAminijet 4400 B RP/HVLP
Round/flat spray con-
trol cannot be regu-
Spray gun does not
shut-off air
Corrosion on air cap
thread, inside material
passages (cup con-
nection) or on spray
gun body
Black digital display
Material leaks from
behind the paint nee-
dle sealing.
Spray gun leaks from
the fluid tip ("fluid tip
Regulation valve dirty
Clogged air piston seat
or worn air piston.
Cleaning solution
(water-based) remains
inside/on the spray
gun for too long.
Unsuitable cleaning
Spray gun has been
soaked in cleaning
solution for too long
Wrong positioning of
the spray gun inside
the gun washing ma-
Defective or missing
paint needle sealing.
Clogged or damaged
paint needle.
Contamination be-
tween paint needle tip
and fluid tip.
Damaged nozzle set.
Corrective Action
Remove round/flat
spray control, repair or
replace it, chapter 9.7
Clean air piston seat
and/or replace air pis-
ton, air piston packing,
chapter 9.4
Cleaning, observe
chapter 8, get a
replacement spray
gun body.
Cleaning, observe
chapter 8, get a re-
placement digital unit
Replace / insert paint
needle sealing, chap-
ter 9.3.
Replace nozzle set,
chapter 9.1; replace
paint needle sealing,
if necessary, chapter
Clean fluid tip and
paint needle, observe
chapter 8.
Replace nozzle set,
chapter 9.