Valid for Standard and Globetrotter XL cabins
Outflow pipe
(*) Correct installation, in which the waste water
tube is positioned downwards to prevent loops
and constrictions, thus facilitating the flow of
water into the tank.
(**) Incorrect installation. Do not carry out.
(***) DO NOT CUT the excess cabling, but rather
secure it (rolled up) behind the water tank.
The evaporation conditioning unit works by taking in air from the outside and introducing it in the
cabin. It is imperative that this air does not remain inside, as this would lead to excess humidity.
All modern vehicle cabins are equipped with air renewal grilles, through which the necessary air is
expelled. For example, for heating.
The installer should ensure the existence of these grilles, installing them as appropriate.
Moreover, users should regularly check that these grilles have not become obstructed with dirt.