Upstream Key Example
Example 1
In this example the upstream keyer is not currently on air. The next transition is set to 'on',
therefore the next transition will change the state of the key and turn it on so that it is visible on
the program output. On ATEM Software Control, the corresponding KEY 1 next transition button
will also illuminate.
Example 2
In this example, the key is currently on air, indicated by the 'key' setting set to 'on air'. The next
transition setting is also selected, therefore the next transition will change the state of the key
and turn it off so that it is not visible on the program output.
Example 3
In this example, the key is on air, indicated by the software control panel's illuminated ON AIR
next transition button. The BKGD and KEY 1 next transition buttons are also illuminated,
therefore the background and the upstream key are tied to the next transition. The next
transition will transition the background and change the state of the key turning it off so that it is
not visible on the program output.
There are multiple ways to transition a key to the program output. The key can be cut on or off,
it can be mixed on or off, or it can be mixed along with a background transition. Upstream keys
are transitioned to the program output using the next transition controls. Downstream keyers
can be transitioned using their own transition buttons or by using the DSK TIE buttons to link
the transition with the main transition.
Keying using ATEM Mini