Declaración De Conformidad - Grundfos CRT Instrucciones De Instalación Y Funcionamiento

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Declaración de conformidad
GB: EC/EU declaration of conformity
We, Grundfos, declare under our sole responsibility that the products CR,
CRI, CRN, CRT, to which the declaration below relates, are in conformity
with the Council Directives listed below on the approximation of the laws
of the EC/EU member states.
DE: EG-/EU-Konformitätserklärung
Wir, Grundfos, erklären in alleiniger Verantwortung, dass die Produkte
CR, CRI, CRN, CRT, auf die sich diese Erklärung beziehen, mit den
folgenden Richtlinien des Rates zur Angleichung der Rechtsvorschriften
der EG-/EU-Mitgliedsstaaten übereinstimmen.
ES: Declaración de conformidad de la CE/UE
Grundfos declara, bajo su exclusiva responsabilidad, que los productos
CR, CRI, CRN, CRT a los que hace referencia la siguiente declaración
cumplen lo establecido por las siguientes Directivas del Consejo sobre la
aproximación de las legislaciones de los Estados miembros de la CE/UE.
FR: Déclaration de conformité CE/UE
Nous, Grundfos, déclarons sous notre seule responsabilité, que les
produits CR, CRI, CRN, CRT, auxquels se réfère cette déclaration, sont
conformes aux Directives du Conseil concernant le rapprochement des
législations des États membres CE/UE relatives aux normes énoncées
NL: EG/EU-conformiteitsverklaring
Wij, Grundfos, verklaren geheel onder eigen verantwoordelijkheid dat de
producten CR, CRI, CRN, CRT, waarop de onderstaande verklaring
betrekking heeft, in overeenstemming zijn met de onderstaande
Richtlijnen van de Raad inzake de onderlinge aanpassing van de
wetgeving van de EG/EU-lidstaten.
RO: Declaraţia de conformitate CE/UE
Noi Grundfos declarăm pe propria răspundere că produsele CR, CRI,
CRN, CRT, la care se referă această declaraţie, sunt în conformitate cu
Directivele de Consiliu specificate mai jos privind armonizarea legilor
statelor membre CE/UE.
SE: EG/EU-försäkran om överensstämmelse
Vi, Grundfos, försäkrar under ansvar att produkterna CR, CRI, CRN, CRT,
som omfattas av nedanstående försäkran, är i överensstämmelse med de
rådsdirektiv om inbördes närmande till EG/EU-medlemsstaternas
lagstiftning som listas nedan.
— Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC).
Standard used: EN 809:1998, A1:2009.
— Ecodesign Directive (2009/125/EC).
Electric motors:
Commission Regulation No 640/2009.
Applies only to three-phase motors marked IE2 or IE3. See the motor
Standard used: EN 60034-30-1:2014.
— Ecodesign Directive (2009/125/EC).
Water pumps:
Commission Regulation No 547/2012.
Applies only to water pumps marked with the minimum efficiency
index MEI. See the pump nameplate.
— RoHS Directives: 2011/65/EU and 2015/863/EU
Standard used: EN 50581:2012
These directives and standards apply until and including 31st
October 2019:
— ATEX Directive (2014/34/EU)
Applies only to products with the ATEX markings on the nameplate.
Standards used: EN 13463-1:2009, EN 13463-5:2011
(Declaration of conformity and installation and operating instructions
of the motor are enclosed).
Notified body holding copy of technical file:
DEKRA Certification B.V., Meander 1051 / P.O. Box 5185,
6825 MJ ARNHEM / 6802 ED ARMHEM, The Netherlands.
These directives and standards apply from 1st November 2019 and
— ATEX Directive (2014/34/EU)
Applies only to products with the ATEX mark on the nameplate.
Standards used: EN 80079-36:2016 and EN 80079-37:2016
(Declaration of conformity and installation and operating instructions
of the motor are enclosed).
Notified body holding copy of technical file:
DEKRA Certification B.V., Meander 1051 / P.O. Box 5185,
6825 MJ ARNHEM / 6802 ED ARMHEM, The Netherlands.
DK: EF/EU-overensstemmelseserklæring
Vi, Grundfos, erklærer under ansvar at produkterne CR, CRI, CRN, CRT
som erklæringen nedenfor omhandler, er i overensstemmelse med
Rådets direktiver der er nævnt nedenfor, om indbyrdes tilnærmelse til
EF/EU-medlemsstaternes lovgivning.
GR: Δήλωση συμμόρφωσης EK/ΕΕ
Εμείς, η Grundfos, δηλώνουμε με αποκλειστικά δική μας ευθύνη ότι τα
προϊόντα CR, CRI, CRN, CRT, στα οποία αναφέρεται η παρακάτω
δήλωση, συμμορφώνονται με τις παρακάτω Οδηγίες του Συμβουλίου περί
προσέγγισης των νομοθεσιών των κρατών μελών της EK/ΕE.
FI: EY/EU-vaatimustenmukaisuusvakuutus
Grundfos vakuuttaa omalla vastuullaan, että tuotteet CR, CRI, CRN, CRT,
joita tämä vakuutus koskee, ovat EY/EU:n jäsenvaltioiden lainsäädännön
lähentämiseen tähtäävien Euroopan neuvoston direktiivien vaatimusten
mukaisia seuraavasti.
IT: Dichiarazione di conformità CE/UE
Grundfos dichiara sotto la sua esclusiva responsabilità che i prodotti CR,
CRI, CRN, CRT, ai quale si riferisce questa dichiarazione, sono conformi
alle seguenti direttive del Consiglio riguardanti il riavvicinamento delle
legislazioni degli Stati membri CE/UE.
PT: Declaração de conformidade CE/UE
A Grundfos declara sob sua única responsabilidade que os produtos CR,
CRI, CRN, CRT, aos quais diz respeito a declaração abaixo, estão em
conformidade com as Directivas do Conselho sobre a aproximação das
legislações dos Estados Membros da CE/UE.
RU: Декларация о соответствии нормам ЕЭС/ЕС
Мы, компания Grundfos, со всей ответственностью заявляем, что
изделияCR, CRI, CRN, CRT, к которым относится нижеприведённая
декларация, соответствуют нижеприведённым Директивам Совета
Евросоюза о тождественности законов стран-членов ЕЭС/ЕС.
CN: 欧盟符合性声明
我们,格兰富,在我们的全权责任下声明,产品 CR, CRI, CRN, CRT 系
This EC/EU declaration of conformity is only valid when published as part
of the Grundfos installation and operating instructions
(publication number 400599).
Bjerringbro, 10th of July 2019
Erik Andersen
Senior Manager
Grundfos Holding A/S
Poul Due Jensens Vej 7
8850 Bjerringbro, Denmark
Person authorised to compile the technical file and
empowered to sign the EC/EU declaration of conformity.


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