PNE Lead Placement
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Only stimulation amplitude is adjustable during PNE lead
stimulation . The stimulation frequency is 14 Hz, and the pulse
width is 210μs. The stimulation frequency can be changed by
exiting Lead Placement and going into CP Settings.
Note: The stimulation cable can be disconnected from the PNE lead without
causing stimulation to be turned off . This allows stimulation to be delivered
on demand by tapping the mini-clip portion of the cable against the
appropriate area of the lead .
Note: If test stimulation cannot be stopped using the stimulation button,
disconnect the cables from the CP .
The area around the tip of the PNE lead graphic ( 5 ) will be
colored to reflect the proximity of the needle to the sacral
nerve . This information is used to evaluate the proximity of
the lead to the sacral nerve once the appropriate muscle
responses are observed (anal bellows and big toe flexion) .
Grey (unassigned): Stimulation level is zero .
Green ("good"): Stimulation level between 0 and 2 mA .
Placement is acceptable .
Yellow ("not ideal"): Stimulation level between 2 and 3 mA .
Axonics recommends adjusting the PNE lead placement .
Red ("not recommended"): Stimulation level between 3
and 12 .5 mA . Axonics strongly recommends adjusting the
PNE lead placement .
Press "Connect to Patient Device" ( 8 ) in the upper right to
move on to connect to the Trial Stimulator .
To exit back to the Home screen, press "Exit" ( 9 ) .