Define Tined Lead Thresholds
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To explore the response to stimulation with one electrode .
Select the electrode by pressing the electrode on the screen .
The top electrode on the CP screen represents the electrode
nearest to the tip of the lead . The rectangle around the
selected electrode will not be faded ( 1 ) .
Adjust the stimulation amplitude ( 2 ) . Press the stimulation
button to stimulate ( 3 ) . (See manual section Controlling
Stimulation Amplitude for more information) .
The stimulation amplitude will be displayed next to the
electrode . For each electrode, the threshold saved is the last
amplitude used to deliver stimulation .
Manually record the motor ( 4 ) and sensory ( 5 ) responses to
stimulation by pressing the appropriate buttons .
Select a new electrode to stimulate or move on to connect to a
Stimulator ( 6 ) .
Note: Only stimulation amplitude is adjustable during test stimulation . The
stimulation frequency is 14 Hz, and the pulse width is 210μs. The stimulation
frequency can be changed by exiting Lead Placement and going into CP
Settings .
Note: If test stimulation cannot be stopped using the stimulation button,
disconnect the cables from the CP .
Note: Press the impedance button to check the connection with the tined
lead . If the impedance for any electrode(s) is "Bad", adjust the tined lead
connection and the ground pad, then recheck the impedance . See manual
section Understanding Impedance Values for more information about the
qualitative impedance indicators .