Finestra™ Walk-In Bath
Blower Operation
ON: Press the blower button once to turn the
blower ON.
The indicator light(s) at right will illuminate brightly. The
blower is on a timer and will operate for 20 minutes.
OFF: Press the blower button a second time to turn
the blower OFF.
The last blower setting used is remembered by the
system and will automatically resume upon next
When the blower is turned off, operation does not immediately cease. There is a delay of 15-20 seconds to allow
the blower to cool down. The unit is shutting down, as indicated by the blinking of indicator lights.
If in chromatherapy lighting, or whirlpool, mode (indicator lights are dim), you will need to press the blower button
once to resume blower operation mode and then a second time to turn the blower power off.
Increase Speed
Press the (+) button to increase blower speed.
There are 8 blower intensities. Each push and release
of the (+) button will increase blower intensity through 8
incremental steps. The indicator lights display intensity of
blower power.
1 light on = Low settings 1 and 2
2 lights on = Medium low settings 3 and 4
3 lights on = Medium high settings 5 and 6
4 lights on = High settings 7 and 8
Alternately, if the (+) button is depressed and held, the blower intensity will increase through each of the 8 blower
intensities, stopping when the button is released.
Decrease Speed
Press the (-) button to decrease blower speed.
There are 8 blower intensities. Each push and release
of the (-) button will decrease blower intensity through 8
incremental steps. The indicator lights display intensity of
blower power.
4 lights on = High settings 7 and 8
3 lights on = Medium low settings 5 and 6
2 lights on = Medium high settings 3 and 4
1 light on = Low settings 1 and 2
Alternately, if the (-) button is depressed and held, the
blower intensity will decrease through each of the 8
blower intensities, stopping when the button is released.
Your air bath is designed to provide different massage experiences based on selected blower intensity. You can
generally expect the following:
Setting 1 –
only the Thermal Lumbar Comfort (TLC) areas (inverted U on backrests) will be active
Setting 2 –
the TLC area and most of the perimeter will be active
Setting 3 –
the TLC area and all of the perimeter will be active
Setting 4 –
all air channels will be active, including TLC, perimeter, and bottom
Settings 5-8 – all air channels active
Installation and Operation
These lights will
be blinking
Low 3-4
High 5-6
High 5-6
Low 3-4
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