WARNING: In order to reduce risk of injury, while handling saw chain, always wear protective gloves and safety glasses.
Determining if your harvester saw chain should be repaired or discarded can be decided by following these three key steps:
• It is absolutely necessary to clean your saw chain, removing dirt, debris and oil/lubricants, before determining if chain
can be sharpened.
• To ensure proper inspection you will need a well-lit area.
• Check chain for stretch by measuring chain's current pitch and comparing to original pitch. Excessive stretch may also be
visible at the rivets.
• Examine clean chain looking for any noticeable damage. Damage includes missing components, cracks, or breaks.
• Examine rivets looking for loose or damaged rivets; you should NOT be able to turn a rivet with your fingers.
• Examine chain for any abnormal wear patterns. Abnormal wear patterns are an indication that there are problems with your cutting
system and further inspection of your guide bar and sprockets should be done before cutting resumes.
After examination of your clean saw chain you should only sharpen your chain if you have not noticed any of the following:
• Breaks
• Excessive Stretch
• Loose or damaged rivets
Any chain showing signs of the above should be discarded.
• Replacing components of damaged saw chain should only be done with proper tools and matching components.
• Only replace TriLink saw chain components with TriLink components.
• It is important to match the wear of any damaged components when replacing. Filing down new component parts will ensure a
smooth, consistent cut while maintaining the integrity of the chain's durability.
• ALWAYS use new components when replacing broken or damaged parts. Old or used components will effect the chain's integrity.
After every sharpen and grind, chains must be cleaned. Proper cleaning removes all chain debris created from the grinding process.
Once cleaned, your saw chain will need to be properly lubricated before further use or storage.