Like we said before, only one of these actions will need to be done depend-
ing on your vehicle for the auto detect feature to work. Please refer to the
vehicle info sheet in the Axxess website.
These are the steps for the Auto Detect Mode:
1) Complete connections to the vehicle and the aftermarket radio.
* If this is the first time the ASWC is being installed in a vehicle:
2) Turn the ignition on; the led will start flashing rapidly which means the
ASWC is looking for the vehicle and the radio.
3) Perform action required for your particular vehicle as noted in the vehicle
info sheet.
4) After a couple of seconds the led should stop flashing and not light up for
2 seconds.
At this point do not push any buttons.
5) After the 2 seconds there will be a series of 7 flashes, some short and
some long. Make a note of which flashes were long for this may be
needed later.
6) The led will pause for another 2 seconds then flash up to 9 times. Again
make a note of how many flashes.
7) This is the end of the auto detection stage. If the ASWC detected the
vehicle and the radio successfully the led will light up solid red.
8) Make sure the steering wheel control buttons function correctly in the
vehicle and enjoy your radio.
So what if the led does not light up solid red? Check out troubleshooting
section below.