Video Length
(only affects
video clips in
10S (second)
default, with 60S to
5S possible range
10S (second)
default, with a
60M (minute) to1S
(second) range of
settings available.
(60M-1M are set
in one minute
increments, 59S-1S
are set in one second
Sets length per captured video
clip. Settings begin with 10 second
default when parameter is first
selected. After stepping down to
5S, video length settings start over
at 60S. Note: if LED Control setting
is "High", Video Length at night is
automatically limited to 15 seconds
max. Daytime videos can be up to 60S.
Selects the length of time that the
camera will "wait" until it responds
to any additional triggers from the
PIR after an animal is first detected
and remains within the sensor's
range. During this user set "ignore
triggers" interval, the camera will not
capture photos/videos. This prevents
the card from filling up with too
many redundant images. Settings
begin with 10 second default when
parameter is first selected. Note: after
setting down past "1S", settings start
over at "60M".