WAL 14 A1
similar location. The answer to the question as to whether a person is incidental depends on the
circumstances of the individual case. In order to be safe from a legal perspective, warning signs should be
placed in all areas where recordings with identifiable persons are possible.
Protecting privacy
The images shown must not infringe the privacy of others. Never point your camera at the garden or front
door of your neighbour's home, even if these places are visible from your own home or from public
places. This does not entitle you to publish these views. In case of doubt, you will need to restrict the
viewing area of the IP camera with a screen.
Personal determinability
Personal determinability is where it can be determined that a specific person was in a specific place at a
specific time. Identification can also be based on a personal identifier such as a vehicle number plate.
Personal determinability must be avoided at all times.
The legal regulations may be different in different countries. Please note the laws in the country of use.
6. Copyright
All the contents of this user manual are protected by copyright and provided to the reader for information
only. Copying data and information without the prior explicit written consent of the author is strictly
forbidden. This also applies to any commercial use of the contents and information. All texts and diagrams
are up-to-date as of the date of printing. Subject to change without notice.
English - 31