Mixer Section - Behringer POLY D Guia De Inicio Rapido

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  • ESPAÑOL, página 20
Keyboard Section
(1) KEYBOARD - the keyboard has
37 semi-weighted, full-size keys.
(2) MOD WHEEL - adjust the modulation depth
from off to maximum.
(3) PITCH WHEEL - this wheel allows you to
lower or raise the pitch.
(4) GLIDE ON/OFF - this turns the Glide on or off.
(5) LFO RATE - adjusts the frequency of the LFO.
(6) WAVE SHAPE - select the LFO wave shape
from either triangular or square wave.
(7) TRANSPOSE - adjust the keyboard up or down
one octave.
Controllers Section
(8) NOISE (MOD SRC)/ LFO - switch between
Noise (or external modulation source)
or Low Frequency Oscillator (LFO) as a
modulation source.
(9) OSC4/FILTER EG - switch between OSC 4 or
the Filter Envelope as a modulation source.
MODULATION MIX - adjust the modulation
mix between OSC4/Filter EG and Noise/LFO.
Note: Use the MOD WHEEL to adjust the
modulation depth.
GLIDE - adjust the amount of Glide
(Portamento), between notes on
the keyboard.
MODE - select the synthesizer mode from
Monophonic, Unison, or Polyphonic.
AUTO DAMP ON/OFF- when OFF, and a chord
is played, the chord will continue to play until
all its notes are released, or a new note is
played. When ON, only non-released notes
will continue to play; the others are damped.
TUNE - adjust the frequency of oscillators 1,
2, 3, and 4. (OSC4 is not affected if the OSC4
CONTROL switch is off.)
oscillators are modulated by the modulation
mix, set by the MODULATION MIX knob.
Oscillator Bank Section
OSC 4 CONTROL - when ON, the frequency
of Oscillator 4 will vary with the keyboard.
When OFF, the keyboard, Pitch wheel, and
Modulation wheel, will have no effect
on OSC4.
FREQUENCY RANGE - select from six
frequency ranges of Oscillator 1, 2, 3, or 4.
frequency of Oscillator 2, 3, or 4.
WAVE SHAPE - select the wave shape used
for Oscillator 1, 2, 3, or 4 from: triangular,
triangular/sawtooth (OSC 1, 2, 3), reverse
sawtooth (OSC 4), sawtooth, square, medium
pulse, and narrow pulse.

Mixer Section

VOLUME - adjust the volume of Oscillator 1,
2, 3, or 4.
ON/OFF - select the sources to play from OSC
1, OSC 2, OSC 3, OSC 4, Noise, and External
Input, or any combination of these 6 sources.
NOISE VOLUME - adjust the level of the
internal Noise source.
WHITE/PINK - switch the internal Noise
source from Pink noise to White noise.
EXT IN VOLUME - adjust the level of any
external source playing into the external
OVERLOAD LED - to prevent overloading
and distortion, turn down the EXT IN volume
control if this LED turns on.
DECAY - when ON, the signal will decay
during the time set by the DECAY TIME knob
after a note or external trigger is released.
When OFF, it will decay immediately after a
note or external trigger is released.
KEYBOARD CONTROL - these switches vary
the effect of the keyboard tracking, where
the filter section is affected by the pitch of
note played.
Switch 1 and 2 OFF - no keyboard
tracking effect
Switch 1 and 2 ON - maximum effect
Switch 1 ON (only) - 1/3 of maximum effect
Switch 2 ON (only) - 2/3 of maximum effect
FILTER MODULATION - when ON, the filter
section is modulated by the modulation mix,
set by the MODULATION MIX knob.
FILTER MODE - select the filter between Low-
pass or High-pass.
adjust the overall shape enveloping the filter
section. The controls affect the change in
cutoff frequency with time.
ATTACK - adjust the time for the cutoff
frequency to increase from its set value
and reach the frequency set by the
Quick Start Guide
DECAY TIME - adjust the time for the cutoff
frequency to decay down to the sustain
frequency after the attack time is over.
SUSTAIN - adjust the cutoff to a frequency
which is sustained after the attack time and
initial decay time have been reached.
FILTER CONTROLS - the filter can be low-pass
or high-pass, depending on the setting of
the FILTER MODE switch. In low-pass mode,
audio frequencies above the cutoff frequency
are attenuated. In high-pass mode, audio
frequencies below the cutoff frequency
are attenuated.
CUTOFF FREQUENCY - adjusts the cut-off
frequency of the filter.
FILTER EMPHASIS - adjusts the amount of
volume level boost (resonance) given at the
cut-off frequency.
AMOUNT OF CONTOUR - adjusts the amount
of Filter Envelope contour.
LOUDNESS CONTOUR - these 3 knobs adjust
the overall shape enveloping the audio after
it has passed through the mixer section and
filter section. The controls affect the change in
volume (loudness) level with time.
ATTACK - adjust the time it takes for the
signal to reach a maximum level after a note
is played.
DECAY TIME - adjust the time for a signal to
decay down to the sustain volume level after
the attack time is over. If the DECAY switch is
ON, this is also how long it takes to decay to
minimum once a note is released.
SUSTAIN - adjust the volume level that the
signal is sustained after the attack time and
initial decay time have been reached.


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