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Instructions for Use
The drain and filler plugs must not be left open any longer than is strictly necessary.
When performing maintenance, look out for all signals that may precede a
breakdown, in particular:
Maintenance technicians must:
Use original spare parts. For all problems arising, or to order spare parts, refer to
our service department.
Agilent Technologies Italia S.p.A.
Vacuum Products Division
Via F.lli Varian 54
10040 Leini, (Torino) – Italy
Tel.: +39 011 997 9111 Fax: +39 011 997 9350
Toll-Free: 00 800 234 234 00
The correct procedures for MS40-S Oil Change and Filter Cartridge Replacement
are described in "Technical Information" section.


Do not clean with Alcohol the plastic or rubber components of the pump.
The recommendation is to use a soap and water solution, preferably in ultrasound
washing machines, taking care to dry all the cleaned parts at temperatures under
100 °C in order to eliminate residual moisture.
MS40-S User Manual
traces of corrosion;
oil leaks;
slack joints or couplings.
be aware of all applicable local directives concerning accident prevention
during work on motor-driven pumps and should know how to apply them;
have read and understood all the sections on "Safety Rules";
be familiar with the essential design features and operation of the pump;
know how to use and consult the pump documentation;
be concerned about proper operation of the pump;
make a note of any irregularities in operation of the pump and take the
necessary action, where appropriate.


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