Be sure the Tambour Horizon watch and the charging accessories
are dry before charging. When you use the charging
accessories to charge the Tambour Horizon watch, make sure
that the USB plug is fully inserted into the adaptor before
you plug the adaptor into a power outlet.
• Avoid charging the Tambour Horizon watch in direct sunlight.
Do not wear the watch while it is charging, as this may cause
overheating. The watch should not be charged next to certain
pieces of furniture that could easily catch fire in case
of an overheated battery (i.e. sofas, bookshelves, etc.).
• Avoid prolonged skin contact with the connector when
the cable is plugged into a power source because it may cause
discomfort or injury. Sleeping or sitting on the connector
must be avoided.
In addition to the above:
• do not expose the charger to water while in use; this may
cause the charger and the Tambour Horizon watch to fail;
• carefully insert the USB cable into the charger base, forcing
the cable in the wrong direction will damage the charger;
• it is recommended to charge the Tambour Horizon watch
in a cool place, in order to prevent overheating of the watch;