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Scheppach DGS5500 Traduccion Del Manual De Instrucciones Originales página 14


Earthing the housing is necessary to discharge stat-
ic charging. To do this, connect a cable to the earth
connection of the generator (14) on one side and to an
external earth (e.g. earthing rod) on the other side.
Start up
Starting the engine
• Check whether the mechanical power selection
switch: (a) is engaged in the correct position.
• Important! The power selection switch is set at
the factory and may not be changed.
• Set the on/off switch (7) to the "ON" position using
the key.
• Pull the choke (8) and turn the on/off switch to "Start"
using the key. Release the choke after approx. 5
seconds and the engine starts to run.
• When the engine is running, turn the on/off switch
back to the "ON" position.
• If the engine does not start up immediately (espe-
cially after the tank was previously empty or after
changing the diesel filter), repeat the start process
by pulling the choke again.
Note: Some electrical devices (motorised jigsaws,
drills, etc.) can have high power consumption if they are
used under difficult conditions. Some electric devices
(e.g. TV devices, computers, etc.) may not be operated
with a generator. In case of doubt, check with the man-
ufacturer of your device.
Overload protection
The power generator is equipped with overload pro-
tection. This deactivates the respective sockets in the
event of an overload.
Attention! If this situation occurs, reduce the electric
power that you are drawing from the power generator
or remove defective devices that are connected.
Attention! Defective overload switches may only be
replaced with identical overload switches with the
same power data. Contact customer service for this.
12V DC connection:
The 12V DC connection (15) is switch off in the event
on an overload. The 12V DC connection can be reacti-
vated by pressing the overload switch (16).
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230V~ sockets:
The 230V~ sockets (17) are switch off in the event on
an overload. The 230V~ sockets can be reactivated by
pressing the overload switch (18).
400V 3~ socket:
The 400V 3~ socket (13) is switch off in the event on
an overload. The 400V 3~ socket can be reactivated by
switching the overload switch (12) on.
• If the selector switch (11) is on the left, the 230V~
sockets can be used.
• If the selector switch (11) is on the right, the 400V 3~
socket is active.
• The power generator is suitable for 230 V~ and 400
V 3~ AC voltage devices.
• A 12V battery can be charged at the 12V DC con-
nection (15). Use an adapter cable for this.
• Attention! The power generator is not suitable for
being connected to a house mains as an emergency
power supply. It can cause damage to the generator
or other electrical devices.
Shutting the engine off
• Allow the power generator to run for a short time
without load before switching it off so that the unit
can "cool down".
• Set the on/off switch (7) to the "OFF" position using
the key.
Oil warning indicator (9)
The indicator activates itself when the oil level is low
and switches the engine off. As soon as the oil level is
sufficient, the engine can be restarted.
Winter operation
As the generator is driven by a diesel engine, special
measures must be taken for winter operation. The use
of "winter diesel" is required if operating the diesel gen-
erator in outside temperatures of -3° to -10° Celsius.
The switchover of the diesel fuel to "winter diesel" takes
place mainly at the end of October, differing from coun-
try to country. Ask your filling station about the time to
switchover to "winter diesel".
• If the diesel generator is operated regularly, meas-
ures do not need to be taken as the switchover to
"winter diesel" takes place automatically.
• If the generator is not used for a long time in the
autumn, but you want to reuse it in the winter, it
is recommended to keep the tank almost empty.
Ask your filling station about the time to switch over
to "winter diesel" and fill the tank with "winter diesel"
before use in outdoor temperatures from -3° to -10°
• If, however, the diesel fuel "congeals", the diesel
generator must be brought into a room with temper-
atures of approx. +10° Celsius for approx. 12 hours.
• If the tank is half full or full with normal diesel, then
it must be emptied
• The tank must then be filled with "winter diesel".
If almost empty or up to half empty, it is sufficient to fill
up with "winter diesel".
10. Cleaning
We recommend that you clean the device directly after
every use.
Clean the device at regular intervals using a damp
cloth and a little soft soap. Do not use any cleaning
products or solvents; they could attack the plastic parts
of the device. Make sure that no water can penetrate
the device interior.
11. Transport
Before transport or parking indoors, allow the ma-
chine's engine to cool down to avoid burns and risk of
If you want to transport the device, empty the tank be-
forehand. Clean coarse dirt from the device using a
brush or a hand brush.
12. Storage
Store the device and its accessories in a dark, dry and
frost-free place that is inaccessible to children. The op-
timum storage temperature lies between 5 and 30 ˚C.
Store the power tool in its original packaging.
Cover the power tool to protect it from dust or moisture.
Store the operating manual with the power tool.
13. Maintenance
Oil change
The engine oil change should be carried out while the
motor is at operating temperature.
• Have a suitable container that will not leak ready for
the oil change.
• Remove the engine cover (5)
• Open the oil filler plug (22)
• Open the oil drain screw (c) and drain the warm
engine oil into the collection container beneath the
outlet drain.
• Fill engine oil up to the top marking on the oil dipstick
• Dispose of the used oil properly. Hand over your
used oil at a collection point. Most filling stations,
repair workshops or recycling centres take used oil
back free of charge.
Air filter
Frequent cleaning of the air filter prevents carburettor
Clean the air filter and change the air filter inserts
• The air filter must be cleaned every 30 operating
• Remove the engine cover (g)
• Remove the air filter cover (h)
• Remove the filter element (23)
• Clean the filter element with soapy water, then rinse
it with clean water and allow it to dry well before re-
• The re-assembly takes place in reverse order
Do NOT use petrol or cleaning solvents with a low
flash point to clean the air filter element. This could
result in fire or explosion.
Never run the engine without an air filter or with a dam-
aged air filter. This would allow dirt into the engine,
which would result in severe damage to the engine. In
this case, the seller and the manufacturer disassociate
themselves from any warranty claims.
Changing the diesel filter (fig. 7)
The diesel filter must be changed when the inside of
the filter is contaminated or impurities can be seen. In
order to change the filter and collect diesel in the tank,
a funnel and an empty diesel container are required.
Undo the metal bracket on both sides of the filter. Im-
mediately insert the fuel hose through the funnel into
the diesel canister and observe the diesel flow until
no diesel drains. Remove the filter with impurities and
throw it away. Install a new filter.
Emptying the tank
• In order to empty the tank, first proceed as you
would when "Changing the diesel filter".
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