Cutting device speed is regulated by the throttle
trigger (2), located on the rear handgrip (4) or the
right handgrip (4) of the handlebar.
The throttle trigger only works if the lockout (3) is
pressed at the same time.
The movement is transmitted from the engine
to the transmission shaft by a centrifugal mass
clutch that prevents the shaft from moving when
the engine is running at minimum speed.
The cutting device must not
move when the engine is running idle. If the
cutting device moves when the engine is
running idle, contact your dealer to correctly
regulate the engine.
The correct running speed will be achieved by
pressing the throttle trigger (2) as far as possible.
IMPORTANT Avoid using the engine at full pow-
er for the first 6-8 working hours.
To stop the machine:
– Release the throttle trigger (2) and allow the
engine to run idle for a few seconds.
– Set the switch (1) to position «O».
When you have reduced
speed to a minimum, it will take a few sec-
onds for the cutting device to stop.
To respect people and the environment:
– Try not to cause any disturbance.
– Scrupulously comply with local regulations
and provisions for the disposal of waste mate-
rials after cutting.
– Scrupulously comply with local regulations
and provisions for the disposal of oils, petrol,
damaged parts or any elements which have a
strong impact on the environment.
Prolonged exposure to vi-
brations can cause injuries and neurovas-
cular disorders (also called "Raynaud's syn-
drome" or "white hand"), especially to peo-
ple suffering from circulation disorders. The
symptoms can regard the hands, wrists and
fingers and are shown through loss of sensi-
tivity, torpor, itching, pain and discolouring
of or structural changes to the skin. These
effects can be worsened by low ambient tem-
peratures and/or by gripping the handgrips
excessively tightly. If the symptoms occur,
the length of time the machine is used must
be reduced and a doctor consulted.
This machine's starter unit
generates an average sized electromagnet-
ic field, but it is not however possible to ex-
clude the possibility of interference on any
active or passive medical devices that opera-
tors may be wearing; this could be risky for
their health conditions. All those using medi-
cal devices should always consult their GP,
or the device manufacturer, before using this
Always wear suitable cloth-
ing when using the machine. Your dealer can
provide you with all the information on the
most suitable accident-prevention devices to
guarantee your safety.
The machine must always
be used connected to the harness worn cor-
rectly. Frequently check the efficiency of the
quick release in order to free the machine
quickly from the belts in the event of danger.
The harness must be put on before connecting
the machine to the special coupling and the belts
must be adjusted to suit the operator's height
and stature.
If the machine has more than one coupling hole,
use the most favourable point for keeping the
machine balanced when working.
Always use a harness that is suited to the weight
of the machine:
– for machines weighing less than 7.5 kg, single
or double belt models can be used;
– only the double belt model must be used for
machines weighing more than 7.5 kg.
4.1.1 Single belt model
The belt (1) must go over the left shoulder to-
wards the right hip.
4.1.2 Double belt model
The belt (2) must be worn with: