precautions when using the shock absorbing lanyard, especially when there is a possible load on
a sharp edge.
- The maximum weight of the user must not exceed 140 kg.
- The NEX.35 extension lanyard can only be used with the ASC'O® fall arrest system and must not
be used outside this context under any circumstances.
The ASC'O® mobile fall arrester on a flexible anchor line is an item of personal protective equipment
(PPE) against the risk of falls from a height. This device is designed to stop the accidental fall of
an individual thanks to its instantaneous locking function. It complies with the following standards:
• EN353-2: mobile fall arrester on a flexible anchor line - part of a fall arrest system in accordance
with EN363.
• EN12841 type A: rope adjustment device for safety support - main anchor element of the rope
access system.
A movable opening locking mechanism is mounted on the anchor line. The locking mechanism is
connected to the user's harness via the connecting element (see table #1 for use configurations).
- Before, during and after use, verify the proper condition of the equipment and the absence of
faults via a visual examination :
• Anchor line: verify the state of the rope, the absence of wear, cuts, fraying and signs of breakage.
Check the readability of markings.
• Connectors: ensure that there is no apparent wear and tear, and verify the proper assembly.
• Safety seams: verify the absence of distended, worn or cut threads.
• Shock absorber: ensure the absence of wear and tear of the strap, the proper state and position
of the absorber's packaging, and ensure that the absorber is not torn.
• Mobile fall arrester: check that the fall arrester is correctly oriented on the anchor line. Check that
the fall arrester slides correctly, without any sticking points, along the entire anchor line. Ensure that
the locking mechanism works. Ensure that there are no traces of oxidation and that the markings
are legible. Check the effectiveness of the locking cable return spring (#2-3c).
Make sure during use that the bearing arm (#2-3e) is in the closed position and the push button is
in the rest position (#2-3b).
- If there is any doubt on the reliability of the equipment, do not use it without getting the written
authorisation of a person who is authorised to decide on its reuse.
- For the installation of the ASC'O® mobile fall arrester on the flexible anchor line, follow the