2. Short overview
Technical passport
The technical passport can be retrieved from the product page or directly from the
corresponding web application.
Web application
Product page
WIKA - Intelligent serial number
The WIKA intelligent serial number and the corresponding web application is the central
tool in which all the required information on the specific instrument can be found. After
entering the intelligent serial number into the web application, all instrument-specific
details on the manufactured version are displayed.
Under "Technical passport", all the information such as measuring range, accuracy,
process connection, date of manufacture, etc., can be retrieved. You can also download
(calibration) certificates from this location.
Under "Article details", further article details are listed, as well as documentation (e.g. the
data sheet and current operating instructions). From this view, the required information
can be printed directly via the [print view]. Via [e-mail], an e-mail is generated which
already contains the intelligent serial number of the currently retrieved instrument and this
can be sent to any recipient (e.g. for re-ordering).
WIKA operating instructions, model GDI-100-D