2.5.22 Footer of diagram tape
The Diagram tape footer and its information are according to figure below:
Date and time of printing: it will be printed on the tape the exact time the
diagram tape was printed as well as the date.
Print Number: it is the same information contained in the header which is
the amount of times it was printed a diagram tape.
Maximum authorized speed: this speed is previously registered according
to the use category of vehicle, which may be to carry passengers, school
purposes or general cargo transportation. This speed is the maximum
category of the vehicle, however, the driver must always respect the
minimum speeds (category or track).
Last 24 hours: when exceeded the maximum authorized speed of the
vehicle, it will print the fastest speed achieved in the last 24 hours of vehicle
Time/date adjustment: in case of time change, zone update or daylight
saving time, will print the date and time when there was such a change.
Signature: upon inspection, the authority must sign the tape.
Denatran and Inmetro approval ordinance: Information of model approval
RPM information is not available on the printed tape, only on data collected via
the USB port by reading from the VDO On Board platform or information
provided by the telematics device.
Issue 08/2023
© Continental Automotive