The measured voltage and current consumption of the tested alternator are additionally
displayed in the form of oscillograph chart. Green color indicates voltage (U), red color indicates
current (A).
Figure 12. Diagram of the measured voltage and current of the diagnosed alternator.
Values related to COM alternators:
«COM PROT.» – indicator of protocol type of the voltage regulator (BSS, LIN1, or LIN2).
«COM SPEED» – indicator of data transfer rates via LIN protocol. The following speed rates can be
displayed: " L" -2400 Baud, "M" – 9600 Baud, "H" – 19200 Baud.
«EXCITATION» – current value in the alternator excitation winding. Measured in percentage. It is
read from the voltage regulator via LIN protocol.
«ID» – voltage regulator identification number. The engine control unit identifies the type of the
installed alternator by this number.
«TYPE» – voltage regulator type. The type codes of voltage regulators operating under LIN
protocol are as follows: A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, B3, B4, C3, D1, D2, E1.
«ERRORS» – indicator of errors transmitted by the voltage regulator to the engine control unit.
Types of potential errors: EL – electrical error; MEC – mechanical error; TH – thermal error.
«MANUFACTURE» – manufacturer of the voltage regulator.
1. Use the test bench as intended only (see Section 1).
2. The stand is intended for indoor use at temperatures ranging from +10 to +40 °C and with
relative humidity not exceeding 75% without condensation.
3. When switching the power off, use the "EMERGENCY STOP" button for emergency shutdown only.
4. Connect the test bench diagnostic output terminals to the voltage regulator terminals only.
5. Turn off the stand when not in use.
6. When working with the stand, it is prohibited to:
• Diagnose generators with obvious mechanical faults.
• Interfere with the operation of the stand in any way.
User manual