Stops movement and cancels all commands.
Mode 1) Door closed at night
This diff ers from standard mode as follows:
- panic function not active.
- only Open-key input is active (opens quickly, stays open for clear time, closes
- during closing, the photocells stop movement for as long as they remain
triggered, without reopening the door.
In cage mode, the internal and external doors are set as "closed by night".
Mode 2) Door closed by day
This diff ers from standard mode as follows:
- the door closes slowly and stays closed
- panic function active
- only Open-key input is active (opens quickly, stays open for clear time, closes
- during closing, the photocells stop movement for as long as they remain
triggered, without reopening the door.
In cage mode, this type of operation is not permitted.
Mode 3) Totally opened door
This diff ers from standard mode as follows:
- the door opens totally at slow speed and stays open
Mode 4) Partially opened door
This diff ers from standard mode as follows:
- the door opens partially (distance according to "partial opening" setting) at
slow speed and stays open.
In cage mode, this type of operation is not permitted.
Mode 5) Partial opening
This diff ers from standard mode as follows:
- like standard mode, except opening stops at the partial distance entered as
the "partial opening" setting.
In cage mode, the internal and external doors are set as "partial open".
Mode 6) Chemist's opening
This diff ers from standard mode as follows:
- the door opens and closes at slow speed and stops at the value entered for
"chemist's opening".
- only the Open-key command is enabled
- automatic closing is not enabled.
- during closing, the photocells stop movement for as long as they remain
triggered, without reopening the door.
In cage mode, this type of operation is not permitted.
Mode 7) cage open to inside (Enabled in cage mode only)
The external door is set as "closed by day".
The internal door is set as "total open".
Mode 8) cage open to outside (Enabled in cage mode only)
The external door is set as "total open". The internal door is set as "closed by day".
Mode 0) Radar in standard mode:
- internal radar control enabled
- external radar control enabled
Mode 1) Internal radar:
- internal radar only enabled
(in cage mode, only the radar inside the building is enabled)
Mode 2) External radar:
- external radar only enabled
(in cage mode, only the radar outside the building is enabled)
Mode 0:
he buzzer does not sound during opening/closing. It is only triggered in an
emergency to report.
Mode 1:
The buzzer sounds at the beginning of each opening operation or when move-
ment is reversed.
Mode 2:
The buzzer sounds at the beginning of each opening and closing operation or
when movement is reversed.
Mode 3:
The buzzer sounds for the full duration of operation.
Mode 4:
The buzzer sounds during opening if the opening photocell is occupied.
Mode 0:
Motor always free (lock always powered).
Mode 1:
Motor locked on closing position.
Mode 2:
Motor locked every time it is stopped.
Mode 3:
Motor locked every time it is stopped for more than 20 sec.
Mode 4:
Motor reacts with 10N to forced opening.
Mode 5:
Motor reacts with maximum force to forced opening.
Mode 6:
"Elastic". Only use in installations fi tted with the "VISTA ELA" kit.
Mode 7:
Use only with installations fi tted with "ELA SL 24.B KIT". For details regarding the
operation refer to the relative manual.
Mode 8:
Use only with installations fi tted with "ELA SL 24.B KIT". For details regarding the
operation refer to the relative manual.
Mode 9:
Use with Failsafe electrical release: output powered with door closed and not
powered in all the other phases.
Mode 0:
NO input, opens and stays open for as long as the input is active. While opening,
any safety devices set as "ON while opening" are ignored.
Mode 1:
NO input, closes and stays closed for as long as the input is active.
Mode 2:
NC input, opens and stays open for as long as the input is active. While opening,
any safety devices set as "ON while opening" are ignored.
Mode 3:
NC input, closes and stays closed for as long as the input is active.
Mode 4:
Input NO: if activated, set "door operating mode" = 1 thus "night door closure".
The alarm output is activated in the following cases:
- the door stays open as a result of the photocell being triggered for longer
than the time entered for the "alarm_time" parameter;
- there is an obstacle alarm;
- opening is being forced while the door is applying an opposite force (lock
mode = 4 or 5);
The alarm output is deactivated in the following cases:
- when the closing travel limit is reached
- when the stop key is pressed
Mode 0:
Output active if the door is not fully closed
Mode 1:
Output active if the door is not fully open
"ON" When there is no mains power and the battery is connected, the door
performs a complete opening cycle and then stops in the open position.
While opening, any safety devices set as "ON while opening" are ignored.
"OFF" When there is no mains power, the door opens and stays open if battery
voltage drops below 20V. While opening, any safety devices set as "ON
while opening" are ignored.
If an obstacle interferes with the door's movement, slowing it down, the door's
movement is reversed during closing, or it is stopped during opening. The
sensitivity can be adjusted via the display by modifying the opening force and
closing force parameters.
NELS (Fig. AH)
Refer to the U-link module's instructions.
Serial line connections to produce a hardwired centralized control system must
be made using only 2-wire cabling of the kind used for telephone systems.
The length of the cable between one unit and the next must not be greater
than 250 m.
The master panel is the one that sends commands to all the other panels belonging
to the same zone. Only one master can be specifi ed per zone. A zone comprises
one or more doors connected to each other. Diff erent zones are identifi ed se-
parately with a diff erent number, which can be set via the DISPLAY or using a
universal handheld programmer.
Possible commands through a central controller are:
a) Open-key via button. All doors belonging to the same zone open and, once
the set clear time is up, close again, returning to the mode set with the master
unit's mode selector. This command is useful for entering in the morning and
leaving once the closed by night function has been set.
b) Closed by night. All doors belonging to the zone enter closed-by-night mode.
c) Closed by day. All doors belonging to the zone enter closed-by-day mode.
d) Total/partial opening. All doors belonging to the zone enter total/partial-open mode.
e) Internal/external radar or with external radar only. All doors belonging to the
zone open with internal radar only.
15.11) CONNECTING 2 DOORS IN cage MODE (Fig. AG)
Connections and settings:
cage mode comprises 2 automatic doors, connected via 485 serial line:
3 radars are connected:
- (A) EXTERNAL RADAR (connected to the EXTERNAL card's external radar)
- (B) CENTRAL RADAR (connected to the EXTERNAL card's internal radar)
- (C) INTERNAL RADAR (connected to the INTERNAL card' s internal radar)
All the other activation and safety inputs are managed autonomously by the
INTERNAL and EXTERNAL door. To set cage mode, you must:
- set CAGE=2 on the EXTERNAL door
- Set CAGE=1 on the INTERNAL door
Defi nition of individual radar modes
Radar A external door (1)
With doors closed, it activates opening of the external door and allows entry
inside the cage door. If the internal door is open, this door is closed before
the external door is opened. In the event of simultaneous operations, the
external door is given priority. Once the external door is closed, it activates
opening of the internal door and allows entry inside the building.
Radar B
positioned in the middle of the cage door
presence of a person inside the cage door and, during exit, allows the external
door to open once the internal door has closed. In an emergency, once the
person has entered the cage door, if the other door fails to open, it allows the
door they have just entered through to be opened again.
Radar C internal door (2)
With doors closed, it activates opening of the internal door and allows entry
inside the cage door from inside the building. If the external door is open, t
In normal mode, it detects the
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