Optional Kits and Accessories
The optional kits are hardware resources added to the inverter in the manufacturing
process. Thus, some models cannot receive all the options presented.
Check the optional kits available for each inverter model in
7.1.1 RFI Filter
Inverters with code CFW500...C... are used to reduce the disturbance conducted from the
inverter to the main power supply in the high frequency band (>150 kHz). It is necessary
to meet the maximum levels of conducted emission of electromagnetic compatibility
standards, such as EN 61800-3 and EN 55011. For further details, refer to
Installations According to European Directive of Electromagnetic
When inverters with internal RFI filter are used in IT networks (neuter not
grounded or grounded through a high ohmic value resistor), always set
the grounding switch of the capacitors of the internal RFI filter to the OFF
position (as shown in
damage to the filter capacitors of the inverter.
7.1.2 Protection rate Nema1
The inverters with code CFW500...N1 are used when protection rate Nema 1 is desired
and/or when metallic conduits are used for the wiring of the inverter.
The accessories are hardware resources that can be added in the application. Thus,
all models can receive all the options presented.
The accessories are incorporated to the inverters in an easy and quick way by using
the concept "Plug and Play". When an accessory is connected to the inverter, the
control circuitry identifies the model and informs the code of the accessory connected
in parameter P0027. The accessory must be installed or modified with the inverter
de-energized. They may be ordered separately, and are sent in their own package
containing the components and manuals with detailed instructions for their installation,
operation and setting.
32 | CFW500
A.2), since those kinds of network cause
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section 3.3