How to Use
Using Dierent Accessories
Smart Multi-Brush Bar
For cleaning loors such as marble, tile,
and low pile carpet. When Auto Mode is
activated, the vacuum will automatically
adjust its suction level depending on the
surace type.
Note: The smart multi-brush bar can be
attached directly to the vacuum.
2-in-1 Brush Nozzle
For vacuuming dust rom curtains,
keyboards, ceilings, soas, vehicle
interiors, coee tables, etc.
Mini Electric Brush
For vacuuming dirt, pet hair, and other
stubborn debris rom soas, bedding, and
other abric suraces.
Note: It is not recommended to vacuum
on ragile suraces, such as silk.
Sot Dusting Brush
Suitable or vacuuming on LCDs, keyboards,
lampshades, curtains, shutters and other
suraces o ragile objects.