2. Frequency step
Keys shorcut [MENU] [2]
Op�ons: 2.5/5.0/6.25/10.0/12.5/20.0/25.0/50.0 KHz
3. Transmission power (TX power)
Keys shorcut [MENU] [3]
Op�ons: High (5W)/ Mid (1-5W)/Low (1W).
Press the F+6 key to change the emission power.
Note: the transmission power influences the communica�on
quality. Low emission power reduces radia�on and batery
4. DCS recep�on (Rx DCS)
Keys shorcut [MENU] [4]
DCS codes can be added to channels to create a sort of private
channel. Thus, you can communicate with other users who are
on the same channel and have set the same DCS code.
D023N-D754N (normal DCS), D023I-D754I (reversed DCS). There
are 208 groups of normal and inverted DCS codes.
Note: In channel mode, this func�on cannot be changed.
5. CTCSS recep�on (Rx CTCSS)
Keys shorcut [MENU] [5]